This information is gathered here to help organise the search for those stamps and first day covers that are of a great interest for my collection.
The following list of Brasilian SDA related stamps located so far:
- 1981/6/23-29 — Assistencia Social Adventista * Luzeiro I — First Day Stamp (Carimbo Comemorativo)
- 2005/1/11-16 — Desbravadores campori, Santa Helena, Parana — personalized post stamp
- 2009 — in the State of Minas Gerais in which one of the personalised sheets shows an SDA Church
- 2010/12/21 — post stamp and cover — 110 anniversary of Casa Publicadora Brasileira
- 2011/August — Central Adventist Church of Curitiba — Post stamp with architecture design
- 2015 — planing to issue a stamp commemorating 150 years of Ellen White death — was this ever done?
- 2019/1/8-20 — 5th Camporee — 60 aniversary of Pathfinders
Also a stamp of Uruguay and a set of Chile.
1981: Brasil
This is urgent need: To purchasse 2-3 copies each of these envelopes. It is possible to buy all that available. I will pay the amount including postage to the UK. It should be sent by registered mail with trucking number.
A special stamp was issued during 1981 by the Brazilian government commemorating 50 years of medical missionary and launch work started in 1931 by Leo and Jessie Halliwell.
It can be found in internet here:

2004-2005: Brasil
2005 in January was a Pathfinders camporee in Parana. The following personalized stamps were issued. I do not have any clear picture of it, but there are publications that mention it. I need at least one copy of the stamp, better the whole list.

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, popularly known as “Lula,” described the third camporee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America as a rare opportunity for “narrowing the friendship links and camaraderie, for the exchange of experiences, the exercising of abilities, and for the acquisition of greater knowledge about Brazil, both on the part of the Brazilians and the visitors from other countries.”
“Camporee” is a gathering for members of the Adventist-sponsored Pathfinder club. Pathfinders is a club designed for children ages 10-16.
In the letter to camporee participants, President Lula stressed that the ideals of those at the event were in harmony with those of the Brazilian state—“the struggle for social inclusion and consequent reduction of inequalities, the exercising of love to the motherland, the valuation of education, the defense of the environment, and respect for nature.”
His message was read during the opening program to the nearly 20,000 people gathered in the city of Santa Helena, in Brazil’s South region. The majority of participants were ages 10 to 15.
2005 — III Campori de Desbravadores da Divisão Sul-Americana, de 11 a 16 de Janeiro, em Santa Helena, PR, Brasil l. (Direção: pastor Erton Kohler)
2004: Brazil
Also it happen that another Personalized stamp of Brasil was found. This is to commemorate the First camp of Adventist Youth of North Brasilian Union of SDA Church.

2009: Brazil
The 2009 Brazil was issued in the State of Minas Gerais in which one of the personalised sheets shows an SDA Church. As they were privately issued there is no catalogue reference. I’ve seen it on sale only once and I bought it immediately. Unfortunately it never arrived as it probably got lost in the post.
No picture available.
2010: Brazil

2011: Brazil
Curitiba, Brazil | August, 2011 – The Central Adventist Church of Curitiba is considered an architectural landmark in this thriving capital of the southern Brazilian province of Paraná. In fact, the newly expanded Seventh Day Adventist church is so notable that its recent inauguration was commemorated on a Brazilian postage stamp.
a stamp issued in Curitiba, Brazil, referring to an innovative architecture of a recently built SDA Church in Curitiba but no one has yet been able to provide with any details.

2015: Brasil
It was announced in 2013 regarding plans to issue a commemorative stamp of Ellen White:
«De maneira prática, para a celebração dos 100 anos de seus escritos, em 2015, várias ações foram planejadas. Segundo o pastor Almir Marroni, coordenador da área na sede sul-americana adventista, o ideal é que seja implementado em cada congregação adventista um Minicentro White com acervo da escritora, realização de seminários, criação de um selo comemorativo, produção de vários livros em edições mais populares, entre outras atividades promocionais. “Esses escritos precisam ganhar mais visibilidade”, ressalta o líder. [Equipe ASN, Felipe Lemos]»
2019: Brazil
There are 8 different stamps in total, but I have pictures of only seven. There are Desbravadores, Conquistadores, and Adventureiros. I need couple sets of all. And if there were the envelopes, then also them.

«Ao todo, foram produzidas duas séries de selos relacionados aos clubes, com 18 mil unidades. Uma delas homenageia os 60 anos dos Desbravadores no Brasil, e a outra comemora a V edição do Campori Sul-Americano. Segundo o empresário Samuel William de Paula, que fez a articulação entre a Igreja Adventista e os Correios para esta parceria, esse é o início de uma iniciativa que atingirá a marca de 75 selos nos próximos quatro anos. A proposta é que sejam lançadas versões comemorativas de projetos e ministérios da Igreja, como Quebrando o Silêncio, Missão Calebe, Vida por Vidas, Aventureiros e Ministério da Família, por exemplo.»
I need the information regarding those other stamps that has to be issued during these four years.
More of South America:
1996: Uruguay.
I have the stamp, but I need the First Day Cover cachet that I know it was there.

2006: Chile.
I have the stamps, but there should be cachets — the First Day Cover. I need them.

If there were some other stamps or envelopes related to the SDA Church, I would like to get them, but at least a quality photo pictures I need of them. Please, help. I will cover all the expenses.
If You can help me, please, contact via comments to this page, or via Viber/Whatsapp/Telegram +79673016191 or email or skype vasily.yunack — Thanks!