Здесь собраны экспонаты, заведомо и документально подтверждено, созданные адвентистами. Некоторые появлялись в предыдущих виртуальных коллекциях, другие — уникальные для этой коллекции.
Виртуальная коллекция Адвентистских почтовых марок
1942: Pitcairn
Painted by Verna Carlean Deborah (»Dobrey») Christian — nee Young, born 1925.
Years ago, I bought up all of Bill Hornadge’s (Editor of «Pitcairn Island Stamp Catalogue») huge Pitcairn Island dealer stock, and this was part of it. Bill had them priced at $150 EACH — decades back.
These were done about 70 years back, in the 1940s by KGVI stamp. Superb size for Hagner sheet, or stockbook page storage. Around 150 x 150mm or about 6 to 8 inches each direction. So a good size for display.
This one was sold to Kevin Morgan for 100 australian dollars in April 2021.
Delicate artwork, and preparation of the leafs is incredibly tricky and time consuming as you can see below. UNIQUELY Pitcairn. Wafer thin, and well protected in outer plastic.
- Hattie leaves (Bauhinia monandra)are named after Hattie Andri (1865-1952) a pioneer Seventh day Adventist missionary and teacher to Pitcairn Island (1893-1896).
- Miss Andre’s school opened in April 1893 with forty-two students ranging in age from fourteen to thirty-nine. In addition to normal school subjects, she recognized practical talents, teaching the men to make wooden curios and the ladies to do basket-weaving and dried leaf painting.
- The large leaves of Bauhinia monandra, which grows profusely on Pitcairn Island, were utilized by Miss Andre, and now are nick-named «Hattie leaves». They were sold aboard passing ships to the very few tourists who pass by.
- Andri taught the islanders how to make curios such as the decorated Hattie leaves which are still sold to provide islanders with income.
- Among the crafts of the Pacific, the rare and delicate art of leaf painting is unique to Pitcairn.
- The painted leaf process is time-consuming and requiring considerable skill and care.
- Firstly, the leaves are picked green and stored covered in water in an earthenware jar for between 4 and 6 weeks. A stone in the jar helps ensure that they remain submerged.
- In what is a smelly process, the leaves are then washed in fresh water with the green slime being patted out from the leafs membranes. Each leaf is then washed with a little soap, rinsed, and placed in a niau basket to dry.
- When dry, the leaf which has curled in the drying process is opened out and ironed flat.
- The paints used are normally oil based, thinned with a little kerosene for easier application.
- When painting, the leaf is held so that the artists brush can accurately flick paint on to this delicate canvas. The paint soaks right through the leaf.
- After drying and after many hours of work, the leaves are frequently mounted on black paper.
- Painted leaf designs may include floral designs including roses or hibiscus, fish, butterflies, The Bounty, or an outline of the island.
2014: Brazil
Некто написал: Я дал волю своему воображению и создал несколько рекомендуемых марок для Кампори 2014 — Южноамериканскому лагерю Клуб де Десбравадорес.
США — сервис заказа почтовых марок
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Персонализированные марки разных стран:
Новая Зеландия — https://collectables.nzpost.co.nz/personalised-stamps/