Первичная информация о сессии ГК 1888

Выступления Ваггонера и Джоунса на сессии ГК в Миннеаполисе не сохранились. Потому появилось немало мифов на этот счет. Но все же что-то узнать можно. И эту информацию я собрал здесь.

В то время ещё не вели стенографических записей выступлений, как это было уже несколько лет спустя. Потому мы вынуждены довольствоваться скупыми строками протоколов и ежедневного бюллетеня.

Протоколы Двадцать седьмой ежегодной сессии Генеральной конференции АСД, проходившей в Миннеаполисе, штат Миннесота, с 17 октября по 4 ноября и в Баттл Крик, штат Мичиган, 8 ноября 1888 года.


Эти протоколы записаны не в хронологическом порядке. Ниже представлены некоторые выборочные записи, страницы указаны: (страница в документе / страница в файле). Записи выбраны лишь те, которые имеют отношение к Ваггонеру и Джоунсу.

Стр. 376/8, п. 13 — Рекомендация книги Джоунса «Гражданское правительство и религия».
п. 14 — Ваггонер представляет вопрос о поправке к конституции и воскресном законе от Калифорнии.
п. 15 — Отправить Джоунса и двух других на заседание Конгресса чтобы представить перед Сенатом противовес поправке к конституции и воскресному закону.
Стр. 378/10, п. 20 — Начать издавать «Ежедневный бюллетень сессии ГК», в котором в том числе кратко упоминать содержание проповедей.
Стр. 388/20, — Комитет по изучению Библии предлагает: п. 1 — Ежегодные сессии Библейского института в каждом штате; п. 2 — Специальный Библейский институт ГК; п. 3 — процедуру рассмотрения новых вопросов учения, которые отличаются от обычно преподаваемых Церковью.

Ежедневный Бюллетень сессии Генеральной Конференции


Первый день заседаний:

At 10:30 a. m., Elder Uriah Smith discussed the question of the ten horns of the fourth beast of Daniel vii., the speaker taking the position of that the Huns were one of the ten kingdoms into which Rome was divided. Some held that Allemanni should be counted as one of the ten kingdoms instead of the Huns. A spirited discussion was held at the conclusion of the remarks, in which a number of the delegates participated. At the close of the discussion It was voted that, taking all the light we have received, and all the reference given, we will faithfully and carefully study this question, praying that the spirit may guide us into the truth.
It was also voted that the chair appoint a committee of seven to devise a plan by which those who think they have received light on any point, may present it to the denomination.

General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol 2, no 1, October 19, 1888, pp 1-2

At 2:30 p. m. Elder E. J. Waggoner discussed the question of the law of God and its relation to the Gospel of Christ. The discussion was based principally on the Epistle to the Romans.

General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol 2, no 1, October 19, 1888, p 2

Второй день заседаний:

At 9 a. m. Elder E. J. Waggoner gave another lesson on the law and gospel. In this lesson the first and second chapters of Galatians, In connection with Acts 15, were partially presented by him to show that the same harmony existed there as elsewhere; that the key to the book was «justification by faith in Christ,” with the emphasis on the latter word ; that liberty in Christ was always freedom from sin; and that separation from Christ to some other means of justification always brought bondage. He stated incidentally that «the law of Moses» and «the law of God» were not distinctive terms as applied to the ceremonial and moral laws; and cited Num. xv., 22-24, and Luke ii., 23-24, as proof. He closed at 10:16 by asking those present to -compare Acts xv.,7-11, with Rom. iii., 20-25. Appeals were made by Brother Waggoner and Sister White to the brethren, old and young, to seek God, put away all spirit of «prejudice and opposition, and strive to come into the unity of faith in the bonds of brotherly love.

General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol 2, no 1, October 19, 1888, p 2

Третий день заседаний:

At 9 a. m. Elder Waggoner continued his lessons on the law and gospel. The Scriptures considered were the fifteenth chapter of Acts and the second and third of Galatians, compared with Romans iv. and other passages in Romans. His purpose was to show that the real point of controversy was justification by faith in Christ, which faith is reckoned to us as to Abraham, for righteousness. The covenant and promises to Abraham are the covenant and promises to us.

General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol 2, no 2, October 21, 1888, p 2

Четвертый день заседаний:

В этот день не упоминается выступлений Ваггонера или Джоунса. Вместо этого приводится выступление С. Н. Хаскела в 2:30 после обеда, которое довольно детально пересказано на стр 3-4 Ежедневного бюллетеня ГК № 3 от 22 октября 1888 г.


Пятый — седьмой дни:

В этом номере упоминается выступление Джоунса и Ваггонера относительно резолюции по поводу воскресных законов, но никакого упоминания о проповедях и о вопросе праведности по вере.


Восьмой день заседаний:

A series of instructive lectures has been given on «Justification by faith» by Eld. E. J. Waggoner. The closing one was given this morning. With the foundation principles all are agreed, but there are some differences in regard to the interpretation of several passages. The lectures have tended to a more thorough investigation of the truth, and it is hoped that the unity of the faith will be reached on this important question.
Eld. A. T. Jones has given his closing lecture on church and state, the principles which underlie such union, and their development in the Roman Empire, resulting in the setting up of the Papacy. He showed that the pagan idea of religion and state was that the state was supreme, guiding and controlling religion or the church to its own end. The Papal idea was that the church is supreme, guiding and controlling the state to its own end. The true principle is that enunciated by Christ, «Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s,» a principle found in our own Declaration of Independence. These lectures will probably be published.
Among the most interesting and important meetings, are the early morning devotional meetings. The exhoratitions of Sr. White have been most cheering, as she has presented the love of Christ and his willingness to help. That he is waiting to pour out of his spirit upon his people in abundant measure. One important thing in the cause of Christ is to be connected with Christ.

General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol 2, no 7, October 26, 1888, p 3

Девятый — одиннадцатый дни:

Нет ничего, касающегося нашей темы.


Двенадцатый — четырнадцатый дни:

Ничего, касающегося нашей темы. Пятнадцатый день не опубликован в Ежедневном бюллетене, а только в журнале Ревью от 13 ноября 1888 г.

Журналы Ревью с информацией о сессии ГК 1888 года


Dr. E. J. Waggoner and Bro. C. H. Jones of the Pacific Press, are now in Battle Creek, preparatory to their attendance upon the General Conference at Minneapolis, Oct. 10. We learn that sister White, with her son, Eld. W. C. White, are on their way, by the Northern Pacific Road, to the meeting.

The Tabernacle pulpit was occupied Sabbath, Sept. 29, by Eld. L. R. Conradi. who narrated many interesting incidents in connection with his recent labors in the old world. Sabbath, Oct. 6, Eld. E. J. Waggoner, of California, spoke in the Tabernacle, on the subject of faith, showing its nature, and giving illustrations of its operation, setting forth the importance of having it in lively exercise in these last days, inasmuch as now the just are to live by faith.

Ревью, 9 октября 1888 г., стр 16 (том 60, № 40, Полный № 1785, стр 640)


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